Ode to Phil the Groundhog
Updated: Feb 1, 2022
I’m dedicating this blog to one of my absolute favorite holidays – Groundhog Day!

Groundhog Day seems to be a holiday that is seriously overlooked and underappreciated by many except for those in the meteorology industry or early childhood profession. I’ve been fortunate to have experienced the small town of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania on this special day and yes, I have met Phil personally. I’m a total Phil groupie!
Why do I feel this is such a special day? First, let me honestly share that I do not rely too heavily on the prediction of groundhogs or other members of the marmot family when it comes to weather forecasting. However, I do love nature and have such a liking for all animals! (You may have noticed this about me if you have ever brought your dog in your car during carpool!)
We can learn a lot by paying close attention to animals. Animals can sense changes in weather and adapt accordingly. Here at LANK, this appreciation for nature and all living things is evident each and every day. Children have an innate curiosity for things in the natural world. During summer camp, children were constantly hovering around a fuzzy caterpillar crawling across the playground. On other occasions, this fascination was over a spider crawling up the window. Children watched in amazement as the spider used all of its long legs to crawl quickly up the window. Where was it going? Has it eaten lunch already? Did it notice us watching it? These were some of the questions posed by our onlookers. I could go on and on about the squirrels that feast on our LANK birdfeeders. They provide tons of entertainment for our students as they spin and flip and hang off the feeder while they fill up on seed that was never intended for them. Our LANK students love watching all the living creatures that call our grounds home. This curiosity is the foundation for learning and discovery, and we embrace and encourage this.
Allow me to be the first to wish you a very happy Groundhog Day! I hope you are able to take a moment to explore and appreciate the living creatures big and small in your backyard! I’ll see you on Wednesday, February 2nd with my groundhog hat and Phil puppet! Fingers crossed for a prediction of an early Spring!