Teacher Appreciation Week 2016

There is no one who doesn’t remember their favorite teacher. Someone who cared about you, someone who inspired you, someone who made you feel special and good and strong. And these are usually pretty vivid memories. Think back……you can probably tell stories about why that particular person meant so much to you, and list very specific reasons why how they treated you made such an indelible impression.
We’re pretty sure at LANK that our children are too small to remember us clearly and we know we probably won’t be the “one teacher” for the memory books. But, we also know that for you, we can be those teachers. The ones that you trust with your baby, your tiny tots who have never been away from you much before. And we take that responsibility very seriously. We love what we do and are committed to this wonderful time in our children’s lives when they are so young, so open, so ready to grow and learn. The LANK teachers see their work as a calling; it is their life’s passion. We are very proud that they are here with us and celebrate them not only during Teacher Appreciation Week but each and every day.