LANK's 50th Anniversary Celebration
After a year's worth of planning and preparation, our 50th Anniversary Celebration was the most beautiful evening -- that rare combination of party and reunion with the mingling of the very first students of LANK, to the newest families, and a huge group of those in-between. It was such a treat to see so many alums return to celebrate and salute LANK, all of us reminiscing and sharing stories and memories. Giving us that overwhelming LANK greeting, our trusty top of the hill gate ushered our guests into a beautifully transformed community center filled with loads of photos and beautiful children's art through the years. Truly, everyone found a memory to treasure. And that exactly describes the evening -- it was a treasure! The number of LANK families intimately involved in planning and producing the celebration is quite literally over 100. We will name just a few, but truly, this was a school-wide labor of love. Our 2015 Board of Trustees was the host for the evening spear-headed by Jeanne-Marie Burke, Erika Carlson, Leigh Cronin, Angela Cramer, Jennifer Dell'Orto and Lesley Ryan. We would be remiss to not also mention the talents of Jill Vinson, the Huppis, Kate Sable, MaryBeth Robinson and the team of women who created the amazing class baskets. Finally, we salute all the families who generously donated the items in the class baskets and our online auction. Thank you all for finding just the right way to celebrate our beloved LANK and reminding everyone just how fortunate we are to belong to this terrific, caring and community.