4 Reasons to Choose Afternoon Preschool at LANK

Every year at registration time, our morning classes fill up almost immediately, while our afternoon sessions take a bit longer, and have ongoing registration. It is time to debunk any PM myths and explain why our PM program should be considered LANK’s best kept secret! Shhh!
Many parents believe that their children will learn and behave more favorably in the AM. While this may indeed be true for some, the reality is that studies show time of day has little impact on learning and behavior gains. For some there are clear advantages to attending an afternoon program, and we hope you will consider these when making a selection, or recommending LANK to a friend.
1. Size/Cost Our PM program has fewer classes and thus, there are smaller total numbers in the school. This of course provides a slightly quieter atmosphere, and allows our teachers to use any unused space to their advantage. For some children this quieter presence in the building is just perfect! For those with junior preschoolers, we have added an additional incentive by lowering the cost of the program.
2. Body Rhythm Parents of young children worry about the nap schedule. That concern is legitimate, but it has been our experience that children may start off the year napping but often give it up before the second half of the year. In doing so, they may adopt a” later to bed” schedule, and seem to need a bit more stimulation by the time the afternoon rolls around. The afternoon session fits perfectly with that scenario. It also works beautifully for a child that likes a more leisurely start to the day. PJ’s until 10AM? No problem for our afternoon friends.
3. Siblings My second born son attended an afternoon program so that I could see his older brother off to school with personal care and attention, feed the newborn, and not feel rushed to get somewhere. This unhurried start to our day was a great gift to him and to me. Let’s face it - having to get multiple children to multiple places at the same time can be stressful!
4. Convenience For those coming to our afternoon session, there is little chance to encounter traffic snarls or delays. The afternoon parent can also enjoy the additional convenience and advantage of all stores, banks, doctor’s offices, and restaurants being open the whole time your child is at LANK. During the winter months, the weather has usually warmed to the point that outdoor play is likely, and snow covered roads have been plowed.
At LANK, both morning and afternoon sessions are vibrant, engaging, and provide your child with the tools and experiences vital for development. We are so excited to once again be welcoming your family at 8:30AM, and again at 12:45PM. We are ooking forward to both sessions in just a few short weeks!
If you have any questions about our program or would like to tour our school please contact us!
